Clinical Staff
Dr. Ryan A.Winchester PT, DPT
Meghan O.
Emily L.
Haley MatéMobility Coach
Dr. Cheyenne F.PT, DPTStaff Physical Therapist
Cam V.PTA, IFPA Certified Sports Conditioning Specialist
for Soccer Physical Therapy Assistant -
Dr. Amanda K.PT, DPTStaff Physical Therapist
Dr. Kelly C.Clinic Director, PT, DPT, CIDN
Dr. Megan V.PT, DPT, ATC
Dr. Danielle A.PT, DPT, Cert DN, CCMI, Pn1Chief Marketing Officer, Winchester Office
Meghan S. SimmonsPT, DPTStaff Physical Therapist
Dr. Jake S.PT, DPT, LAT, ATC, Cert DNClinic Director, Arlington
Dr. Michael G.PT, DPTDirector of Clinical Education
Dr. Shawn G.PT, DPT, Cert DNChief Clinical Officer, Clinic Director, Medford
Dr. Nate C.PT, DPT, IDNStaff Physical Therapist
Dr. Khampasong HaleudethPT, DPT, CSCS, SFDN1Clinic Manager, Norwood
Dr. Robert S.PT, DPTClinic Director, Staff Physical Therapist, Winchester
Isaac S.Strength and Conditioning Coach, Arlington & Winchester
Sabrina M.BS, ATCStaff PT, Arlington